ocr: NOW AVAILABLE: AM/FM SPECIAL DISKS #4 AND #5: BJ+RN DR.AWESUME" LYNNE' S DEFUNCT PROJECTS VOL'S I AND II. Contains 19 - Nineteen - previously unreleased Amiga-only songs by Bj'rn A. Lymme, also known as "Dr.Awesome/Crusaders" (Behind the music disks Audio-X, Back 2 Base, Bacteria, Bass-o-Matic, Crusaders Does Genesis, Freekd Out, etc. etc. These are songs that Bjorn Lymne has made for various games and demos through the last couple of years; but these game projects have been made defunct", i.e. never actually released. So the music now lives a life of it's own and is for the first time present ...